Setting up a Sping Boot Application

    Setting Up a Spring Boot Application: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Spring Boot is designed to make Java application development fast, efficient, and developer-friendly. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, Spring Boot’s tools simplify creating, configuring, and running applications. In this guide, we’ll walk you through setting up a Spring Boot application, exploring its project structure, and running your first Hello World program.

    Let’s dive in and unlock the power of Spring Boot!

    1. Setting Up the Spring Boot Application

    Spring Boot provides several ways to set up an application, ensuring flexibility to suit your development style.

    1.1 Using the Spring Boot CLI

    The Spring Boot CLI is a lightweight command-line tool for quickly building and running Spring Boot applications. It’s especially useful for rapid prototyping.

    How to Install the CLI:

    1. Download the Spring Boot CLI from the official documentation.
    2. Extract the downloaded archive and add the bin directory to your system’s PATH.
    3. Verify the installation:
       spring --version

    Creating and Running a Spring Boot Application:

    1. Create a file named App.groovy with the following content:
       class App {
           String home() {
               "Hello, Spring Boot CLI!"
    1. Run the application using:
       spring run App.groovy

    1.2 Using

    The Spring Initializr is a web-based tool that helps you generate a Spring Boot project with your desired settings and dependencies.

    Steps to Use Spring Initializr:

    1. Go to
    2. Configure your project:
    • Build Tool: Select Maven or Gradle.
    • Spring Boot Version: Choose the latest stable version.
    • Dependencies: Add Spring Web for web-based applications.
    1. Click Generate to download the project as a ZIP file.
    2. Extract the ZIP file and open it in your preferred IDE.

    1.3 IDE Extensions

    Spring Boot integrates seamlessly with popular IDEs and editors. Here’s how you can enhance your development environment:

    • IntelliJ IDEA: Use the built-in Spring support for maximum productivity.
    • VS Code: Install the Spring Boot Extension Pack.
    • Spring Tool Suite (STS): A tailored IDE for Spring Boot development.
    • NetBeans: Add the Spring Boot plugin for extended functionality.

    2. Using Spring Initializr to Create a Project

    Let’s create a Spring Boot project step-by-step using the Spring Initializr:

    1. Visit
    2. Enter the following values:
    • Group: com.example
    • Artifact: demo
    • Name: Demo
    • Dependencies: Add Spring Web.
    1. Click Generate to download the project. Extract the ZIP file and open it in your IDE.

    3. Exploring the Project Structure

    A Spring Boot project includes several components, each serving a specific purpose. Understanding these will help you navigate and customize your project effectively.

    3.1 .gitignore

    The .gitignore file ensures that unnecessary files, such as build artifacts and IDE-specific configurations, are excluded from version control. This keeps your repository clean and avoids conflicts across team members.

    3.2 .mvn and mvnw

    The .mvn directory and mvnw/mvnw.cmd scripts provide a Maven wrapper, enabling you to build your project without globally installing Maven. This ensures consistent builds across different environments.

    3.3 pom.xml and Default Dependencies

    The pom.xml file is the backbone of a Maven project, defining dependencies, plugins, and configurations. Spring Boot projects inherit from a parent POM that pre-configures commonly used libraries.

    Example: Parent POM

        <relativePath/> <!-- Lookup parent from repository -->

    The parent POM includes default dependencies like:

    • Spring Core: org.springframework:spring-core
    • Spring Context: org.springframework:spring-context
    • Jackson JSON Processor: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind

    This ensures compatibility and reduces manual configuration.

    3.4 Directory Structure

    Spring Boot follows a standard structure:

        java/          # Application source code
        resources/     # Configuration files, templates, and static resources
        java/          # Unit and integration test cases

    3.5 Main Class and @SpringBootApplication

    The main class is the entry point of the application, annotated with @SpringBootApplication. This annotation combines:

    • @Configuration: Marks the class as a source of bean definitions.
    • @EnableAutoConfiguration: Enables auto-configuration.
    • @ComponentScan: Scans for Spring-managed components.


    public class DemoApplication {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
  , args);

    3.6 Configuration Files

    Spring Boot uses external configuration files for settings:

    1. application.yml:
         port: 8081
           name: DemoApp

    These files make it easy to modify application behavior without changing the code.

    4. Running Your First Spring Boot Application

    Now, let’s create and run a Hello World Spring Boot application.

    1. Create a Controller:
      Add a new Java class in src/main/java:
       public class HelloController {
           public String sayHello() {
               return "Hello, Spring Boot!";
    1. Run the Application:
    • From your IDE: Right-click the main class and select Run.
    • From the command line:
      bash ./mvnw spring-boot:run
    1. Test the Application:
      Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080. You should see:
       Hello, Spring Boot!

    Alternatively, test using cURL:

    curl http://localhost:8080

    Further References


    Setting up a Spring Boot application is simple, efficient, and highly customizable. Whether you’re using the CLI, Spring Initializr, or IDE extensions, Spring Boot ensures a seamless experience from setup to execution. By understanding the project structure and configuration files, you can hit the ground running with minimal setup time.

    What’s Next?
    In the next blog, we’ll explore how Spring Boot’s auto-configuration works and how you can customize it for advanced use cases.